eMobile Blog v3.2 Beta

Blogging is increasingly
discussed further drag on
for continued creativity, in
start blogging in a place that
already famous like
blogspot, wordpress etc. This time I tried blogging
here with the engine
eMOBILE where this blog is
the engine open source or
free but do not lose the
same features of course bloggers (just my opinion,
not in the debate) because
of its easy script set from
css also its color.
Easy categorization can be
edited in such a way to set our writing accordingly.
Hit counter which indicates
the number of people who
read posts for today and
also hit a whole.
That's some features that I like when you try to use it
must know the benefits of
having its effectiveness in
the simplicity of the engine.
Uninstall did not elaborate
when our right of appeal to other engines that open
source, including an easy
eMOBILE, we upload. Zip file
and install it and set the configuration, OK! You
can just blogging as much. If you are interested please
download the script errorisme.com

For problems in the
installation just leave a
Darknet Regards,
eMobile Blog v3.2 Beta eMobile Blog v3.2 Beta Reviewed by Xnode on 11:29 PM Rating: 5

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